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Институт за здравствену заштиту мајке
и детета Србије ,,Др Вукан Чупић’’

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Насловна >> Актуелности >> Symposium Diagnostic and Therapeutic Approach to Resistant Epilepsy, February 24th 2023.

Symposium Diagnostic and Therapeutic Approach to Resistant Epilepsy, February 24th 2023.

Објављено: 20.02.2023 године

Symposium Diagnostic and Therapeutic Approach to Resistant Epilepsy, will be held on Friday, February 24th 2023 in the period from 09:00 to 13:30, Institute for Mother and Child Healthcare of Serbia, Amphitheatre 1st floor, Str. Radoje Dakić 6, New Belgrade.

You can download the program by clicking HERE.

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